Sunday 17 November 2013

Everything on Earth with you

Today on the coach to London I was sitting next to an asian couple, they could have been around 24 years old, and I couldn’t help myself looking at them all the time – they were so adorable. She was knitting a dark green woolen scarf (seriously who KNITS these days? Isn't it amazing? Even my grandma gave it up for the price of the wool is nowadays higher than three new jumpers from you-know-where-store) probably for him, and in the meantime looking at her boyfriend, smiling at him because he was constantly taking pictures of her with the classic DSLR with a-bit-too-large-and-awfully-expensive lens. Even when she wasn’t looking and was absorbed in her knitting, he kept snapping her from different angles and then examining his shots for ages. When they both got tired of their activities (it was very early in the morning) they fell fast asleep, shoulder to shoulder, head to head.

When I got off the bus at Victoria heading towards exit, there was a beautiful girl sitting on a bench in a waiting room reading a magazine whilst her boyfriend, a very stylish long haired hippie looking guy, was reading a book lying down, his head in her lap. A simple picture really. And yet there was something magical about the scene. They weren’t talking to each other, they didn’t need to, either one of them engaged absolutely in their reading... but they needed to be close, to have their piece of intimacy in that crowded place.

You don’t physically need anyone for doing particular activities. You can’t knit the same scarf at the same time with another person (two hands are just enough). It wouldn’t be of any use if four hands held the camera at the same time, pressing a shutter button together. And just as well, even if it is possible for two people reading the same book at the same time, it is not the best thing to try.

There are lots of things you normally do on your own. And you enjoy doing it on your own.
But having your loved one next to you, sharing a moment with you, casually touching each other every once in a while makes the time spent doing your own thing divine. 

My Dear,

I write you today with a humble plea, will you come on a good trip with me?

Build me a time machine, oh I please, I no more tolerate being slave to the screens.

Let us be woken up in 1950s, you would make a great James Dean and I could perhaps be a dark Marilyn...

These dreams come to me concealed in a mist, and mighty melancholia enshrouded my list.

But today I say no, no to this folly, our existence is short, it’s got to be jolly!
Living fast dying young you should leave to James, because I know secretly you have box full of plans. Don’t you?
Maybe you’ve written the list same as mine, no need to be ashamed, to dream is no crime. 
You are too beautiful and angelic to die, I’m sure one day you will find your goldmine.
Like me, I kept on digging and I found my gold, such as no salesman had ever sold.
I’m writing all this to you ’cos you’re not a mere photograph to me any longer...I’m chained to your soul now ever so stronger.
You’ve always been my 13th chamber and you’ve always been my May in December.
You’re the living proof that wishes come true, you just have to wait, minute or two...
Last year I tossed a coin into the fountain, and ended up on the top of the mountain...
...And from the top I shouted in delight: I’m yours, you have me all and it serves you right.
So I’ve written my list and every point is a fantasy, to make them real is my kind of ecstasy.
I want to discover the whole spectrum of your shades, to fight you in the kitchen smashing plates.
To play hide and seek in the white sheets, be the best of the best that the eye meets.
I want to get furious and then reconcile, to negotiate peace in bed with each style.
I want to chase the rainbow’s end, and together build castles in the sand.
I want to knit you an awkward sweater, and to write you a perfumed letter.
I want to kiss every freckle on your neck, to spend the time counting hair on your back.
I want you to comb my long hair, to die in your arms, safely in your care.
I want you to read to me aloud, to celebrate how sweet your voice sound.
I want to take loads of pictures of you... I wish I could do everything on Earth with you. 

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